DmC is a multiplat AAA game. Brothers is also a multiplat game. Puppeteer, on the other hand is an exclusive on PS3. It has a smaller market compare to those 2. I hope it sell a few more copies before going to IGC.
DmC is a multiplat AAA game. Brothers is also a multiplat game. Puppeteer, on the other hand is an exclusive on PS3. It has a smaller market compare to those 2. I hope it sell a few more copies before going to IGC.
They probably have to Go The Distance if they plan to do so.
That's cool. Hopefully as sales pick up, more games would come soon. Japan is the only who actually makes games for the platform, aside from indies.
Microsoft just started this program. Remember when PS+ launched? They probably haven't figured out how sony managed IGC financially. Give them a year or two. They could probably improve games for gold or sack the entire program.
That is actually brilliant! You can also buy another one or two ps3 and get your money back
I have to agree. XB1 sales are quite impressive. But we can't actually disregard the fact that 3rd party retailers from other countries actually buy those stock. I'm seeing some stock here my local gamestores.
PS4 will also launch in Japan in a couple of weeks so I'm pretty sure they are alloting lots of units there.…
I can't take my eyes off it O.O
Funny, I actually never played any of the Resistance and Ratchet and Clank games. You can say I'm not really a big Insomiac fan.
Besides, Resistance is not a Halo wannabe. I think that it supposed to be Killzone.
I think its on personal preference. Though quantun break looks promising, I'm not really interested in sunset overdrive.
I actually forgot about the speaker until I played resogun. It actually helps a lot when there's a warning since it will stand out from the tv's audio.
" "Special Cherry Blossom Green Tea," which uses extract powder from cherry blossoms, "
Yup it will actually be the same. People just want the game out there. You, on the otherhand, are being selfish by wishing the game would rather be dead if YOU can't play it on your platform.
Maybe. But Sony is a bit aggressive now with exclusives. We have Second Son and The Order coming this year which both looked promising. But I get your point. It is always saves a lot when waiting for a price drop.
I don't think the shortage is artificial. They are still launching PS4 in other regions. Like today in my…
Really? Maybe I'll look into this one. I haven't seen him act before. I only knew him in the Ninja Warrior series.
I love soul sacrifice too. There's also DJ Max Technika Tune.
Possible reason to the shortage is that PS4 will be launched at some Asian countries this week (Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) PS4 launch in my country is on January and I'm planning to pre-order mine today.
It's Killzone:Shadow Fall