Hermetic Jar

I'll bet the Pennsylvania Dutch would take issue with his pronunciation. If they were allowed to watch TV.

I hope the last scene is "Hood" and Carrie humping on a pile of corpses, Proctor and Burton prominent among them, while "Hood" whispers his real name in Carrie's ear, too faint to hear.

1. You don't know what "twee" means.
2. Otherwise, fair enough.

Figure there was a little CGI to mask the edit.

"Was there a single unpredictable beat in the entire episode?"

Oh yeah, one other cool thing: The skeevy plastic surgeon wasn't just some down-on-his-luck doc trying to make a few bucks off "body modification" freaks. He was a true believer. He was down with Satan's program. Didn't see that one coming.

"She's out in the middle of nowhere with a Satanist she barely knows. 'Oh no, I'm all tied up, what am I gonna do, say no?' If she says no, then the answer is obviously no. But the thing is, she's not gonna say no, because of the incantation."

"Nothing more annoying than a psychopath who engages in Socratic debate."

Sounds like you know a thing or two about hatred yourself.

You hate gay people.

Because it's wrong to be gay.

Because he was gay, which is a bad thing to be, apparently.

Sowing. Sowing his oats.

I want to hear from James Franco's other reverse self, Elohssa.

The best bit was that Andrew Breitbart somehow framed him.

ATTN Juanita Broaddrick

This guy hadn't heard of Prince?

He did.

Ronan used to work for Hillary Clinton. Maybe she could help him with this.

I was stung by a bee once. Somebody pulled a fire alarm at my high school, and as we were all standing around outside waiting to go back in, I brushed away something that was in my hair and it was a bee and it stung my finger. My whole hand started swelling up like crazy, and the school nurse had to drive me to the ER.