
“I don’t need all the info, star ratings, nearby places, etc.”

Only because HEMI is written on the side. Heck, they wouldn't even know that because most are illiterate but the dealer pointed it out to them so now they can point out HEMI to others everytime they pull up to the car club meets.

Mosr often these hackers don’t just show up on day one and just upload ransomeware and then damd payment. These are usually weeks/months in the making and the worms stay silent for the whole time until the backups are infected too. What purpose is a backup in you only do it once a year? Backups are frequent and get


Because both of them purport to impart real value to imaginary things that have no real value. Wen people figure that out then a ton of people will be in a whole lot of financial trouble.. Put another way.. when the kid tells the emperor he has no clothes on, the emperor will eventually figure it out and behead the

I don't thing the Switch wins by default. If your Switch power source is lost (dead battery) the same thing happens. If the battery is the win, then get a battery backup for the PS4.

Which includes all the streamers that consider streaming Fortnite to be a "career".

And what happens when Fortnite goes out of style next year. And he just made his claim that Fortnite is his whole life. Not gaming.. or streaming.. Fortnite.

He thinks he’s putting the “Don’t try this at home” disclaimer assuming that by saying such a thing like they do on TV that it magically removes any sort of liability from himself.

No.. you got that wrong. He is advocating that the kid get off lighter BECAUSE he is a content creator.. like him. He is only saying the obligatory “I don’t feel sorry for him” because he knows a lot of his own fans are supportive of the ban and he doesn’t want to sound like he’s being too supportive of the kid.

The “didn’t we all use cheat codes” argument holds no water. Cheat codes (many of them) were programmed in to the game and there was no TOS that said it was wrong to use them. Fortnite has a EULA and TOS that you MUST agree to in order to play. In this argument, the teen’s whole “career” is Fortnite, then he should

Squeenix wants to forget 1.0 existed.

Sure, you can go first before the tanks and healers, just enter with a whole party of DPS and see how that goes. It’s not so much a societal inequality when it is a “do you want to live?” question. If you don’t mind wiping every 3 mins then sure you can jump past the tanks and heals in the queue.

I doubt they want to relive the darkest moment on FF history by making it pre-calamity.

I miss my Manthra...

Going 127 mph actually means less stress. The 4k spends less time on each sq.in. of pavement leading to less strain. Parking lots have a lot of weight sitting for long periods of time. 

No weathering at all means longer life. Rubber tires don't chip pavement.

I can guarantee that driveway is not on a fault line with an asphalt road running next to it.

Then you didn’t read carefully. He said the 4% is because most charge 2-3% but rewards cards charge the 3% PLUS a secondary flat fee, likely raising it to the 4% range. And then he said that MOST people have started using the rewards cards which justifies the flat 4% fee because the 2-3% cards are becoming outliers.

Then you didn't read carefully. He said the 4% is because most charge 2-3% but rewards cards charge the 3% PLUS a secondary flat fee, likely raising it to the 4% range. And then he said that MOST people have started using the rewards cards which justifies the flat 4% fee because the 2-3% cards are becoming outliers.