Heritage, Not Hate

And yet that backwards b bitch Ashley something or other didn’t even do time for her lies to the police. Let’s not pretend that racist white people don’t automatically assume any story about racism that happens to non-white people are false and that any made up story about anti-white bigotry is true.

Let’s not address this to just minorities we have plenty of examples of white people doing shit and blaming it on phantom Black people and yet things are not discussed on the regular as though this type of fabrication is a regular thing.

Right?! I’m an Old, which means Jay Z became popular when I was younger and has been out there for 20 years.

You most probably have—on a commercial, blaring from a car stereo, in a store. You just didn’t know it was him. He’s been putting out music for 2 decades, and is very mainstream, so it would be hard to have absolutely never heard a snippet of a Jay-Z song.

It takes like two seconds to just Google a song and listen to it....

That Kanye is dead. You can find his body in a locked room in a NYC DASH store.

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

okay, he got a good look at him, thats why he was remarking that he had no idea who he was. So, I am not apt to give him the benefit of the doubt. And Benefit of the doubt has hurt countless people. Especially people of color in those country who were told “trust us”. Oh, and looks like plenty of peopler given the

Add rewarding white mediocrity. Oh my gosh, a show about a white male protagonist who is an underappreciated genius. So very unique. Also, Lakeith’s suble comedy is just 😗👌 muah

Ugh! You need more stars.

Thank you for being the only sane person on this thread. All these butthurt commenters above you are lame AF.

You are instilling the wrong beliefs in your kids because look who our fucking president is. I’m so tired of sitting back and rewarding white people for their lack of diversity....we have no idea why he went up therw but I do know that black shows need more recognition beyond being about slavery, prison and history

Im gonna do the same thing you just did.

Has someone from a white show done this and faced the opposite response?

Trump being elected isn’t helping either. If the president isn’t required to participate in civility, then it is no one else’s either.

Now now. I disagree with that as strongly as I disagree with GinAndTonic’s (assumed) assertion that Atlanta isn’t good. Both are very good, very funny shows.


It’s the Critics’ Choice Awards. Hosted by TJ Miller. Broadcast on A&E. The home of Duck Dynasty and Wahlbergers.

Was he an asshole though? I wouldn’t have known Silicon Valley won an award if not for this, and he wasn’t rude (AKA Kanye). And I disagree on hurting his show— Atlanta is going to get a lot more press because of this.