But let’s all remember how corrupt Hilary is, with her email mismanagement and her charity—the one with high ratings from watchdog organizations. Good thing we dodged that bullet, huh?
But let’s all remember how corrupt Hilary is, with her email mismanagement and her charity—the one with high ratings from watchdog organizations. Good thing we dodged that bullet, huh?
I’m reminded of the time Reddit stalked a day care center because they believed it was a front for arms trafficking.
I feel like...this is not Madonna’s original butt. She always had a nice one, but it never had that heft.
Awwww..Does Donald Trump need a safe space (that his supporters love to mock) from mean ol’ SNL?
This young woman also nailed it:
Children of the Atom led to Marvel Super Heroes, which led to X-Men vs. Street Fighter, which led to Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, which led to Marvel vs. Capcom, and so on and so forth.
Racists ALWAYS invoke MLK. It’s an instant knee-jerk reaction. They croak it out like a parrot that only knows one phrase.
Same type of people who freaked out at Sesame Street for having black people and white people together.
I don’t hate white people (people are people, after all) but I hate the construct of whiteness that leads (many) people who look like me to have feelings of entitlement. Personally I don’t feel I’m any more entitled to food, shelter, or basic human dignity than a Syrian refugee, but because of the way history has…
It took you this long?
Watching this episode of Good Times as a black girl in the 70s blew my mind. The thought that Jesus might not have been a white man was frightening and revelatory at the same time.
Then you underestimate how racist the country is.
That was the past, man. You’re living in the present – 2016 – where the future moves backwards.
Fuck all of this. Fuck everything. Idris Elba should be every Santa, everywhere.
These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.
I always thought X-men: Children of the Atom was the precursor to MvC, no?
My sister switched medications this summer with basically no warnings from her psychiatrist about side effects, and I’ll just say the side effects were fucking disastrous on her and our family. Like with Kim’s hostage situation, I seriously do not care what anyone’s opinion is on these people- they’re human beings and…
That little boy’s face in the first post, tho. lol
Filed to: Films I have no intention of ever seeing