Heretic Tom


Barsanti-Bot, programmed badly. Wires with fraying ends...


Easy as it is to point at this word substitution and lol, I think it probably has less to do with him being an imbecile than it does with him being old and his brain going to mush under the stress of having an actual, real job where he has to do actual, real stuff for the first time in his life. Of course, being an

I would have said senile, but imbecile works too. :P

Trump: “My building says Trump, his says Apple.”

All the while displaying her trademark asymmetric-resting-bitch-face.

Its hard for trump to understand that not every company is named after the asshole who runs it.

Good thing Trump isn’t senile or anything. HAHAHA OHMYGOD WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE HAHAHA

PREDICTION: Sarah Sanders will claim that “Tim Apple” is Trump’s nickname for Tim Cook and that he totally meant to call him that and how dare you say it was a mistake this is why media is the enemy of the American people also yes my face is slowly sliding off my skull.

Yeah seems a little odd to completely glance over such a huge issue - cutting payout from hunting which is one of the biggest draws to the game, not to mention the skill it takes to get a clean kill.  Do you guys not want to point that major flaw in this update, which Rockstar snuck in without mentioning it in the

Or, you know, Ubisoft can stick to the original promise of having a character that can align with the player’s sexual orientation. Instead they sorta shoved some sort of conversion idealism down the player’s throat then called it “Growing Up” via a trophy. I’m a heterosexual male, and even I shake my head at that

It’s probably one of those things that’s a big deal in the LGBQ community, but a complete unknown outside of it. Kinda like how no one having straight hair was a big thing for Black Panther, but went unnoticed by almost everyone the wasn't a POC.

Just proof that if you think hard enough and get creative enough, you can make anything “offensive”.

Probably the least exciting thing announced so far. The mod support is nice, but meh. I’d be really amazed at a Morrowind or even Oblivion port/remaster with mod support.


Counterpoint: No.