Thanks. I'll check them out.
Thanks. I'll check them out.
I've seen her perform three amazing times. She is the Goddess of Reverb. Her voice, especially when backed by Kelly Hogan, is stunning.
Did you wake up with that insidious song in your head?
None of the original cast was sexy.
What happened in New Mexico?
"Hast Thou Considered Tetrapod" always slays me, but "You, Or Your Memory" might be my favorite.
Kevin Smith's name shouldn't be mentioned on the same day as Richard Linklater, much less in the same paragraph.
Well, advertising, thats like hypnotizing chickens.
Just got the DVD from Amazon for eight dollars.
She is the only current cast member that I would pay to see in a comedy club.
Better than the interchangeable cast of smirking frat boys.
Can anything on NPR be classified as "hipster"?
Technically they have had an Asian-American cast member.
Fred Armisen is 1/4 Japanese.
I saw Van Halen drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic's … And his hair was perfect!
Zombies are the most boring supernatural creatures in the horror genre.
Disney films always remind us how wonderful it is to be child free.
The first couple that came to mind.
It definitely deserves to be in the top ten.
"Rectify" belongs in the top ten.
Are you saying that comedians can only makes jokes about their particular demographic?
I've never watched "his appearances". The root of his show is equal opportunity offensiveness. Everyone is a target.