The story is “your religion is bad and you should feel bad!” Wait are we talking about FFX or FFT... Or Xenogears...
The story is “your religion is bad and you should feel bad!” Wait are we talking about FFX or FFT... Or Xenogears...
That is the one I want them to port!
How will they know if they are putting out a clunker? Games take a couple months of refinement post release before you know what you have.
FFT or nothing
Why aren’t you complaining about the lack of FFT!
Bring it back!
Shut up
Well if you play 1080p you should be good to go.
Yeah that is good, I got it for $280 post rebate last Nov
Maybe, but it could be logarithmic, so the Titan 1080 is trying to say that you’ll get closer to 210,000 fps
Seriously. WTF.
You know the thing about a shark, he’s got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eye. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’.
I can’t
Didn’t you just describe every choice that has ever been made (other than the value applied that the numbers would necessarily be ‘better’)
Haha, I replied to say the comparison should be to Brazil, but now I feel bad because saying what someone wants is like saying they prefer the bad ending of Brazil is a cartoonishly harsh insult only to be reserved for one of the current US political parties.
Just because I hate the idea of Dark Souls being compared to horror movies, Im going to change your simile into saying it would be like what actually happened with the recuts of the movie Brazil.
Dark Souls is almost like setting up a Rube Goldberg machine to succeed, except you are every process since it isnt automated. The point is to try things to see what combination works to do what you want. An easy Dark Souls would say your actions don’t matter. Things need to not work, and one of the points is to find…
I mean Dark Souls is so well balanced it is crazy. If people want to win without trying, sure that is fine, but if you cant do something in Dark Souls, I guarantee there is another way to approach the situation to make it easier for you.
If you want easy mode it should just be invincibility and possibly all 1 hit kills. Otherwise, the game already is super easy once you stop overvaluing things.
Newsflash: Dark Souls is easy. You can win without killing a single nonboss enemy.