
How am i a sexist bigot ? as far as my knowledge goes there are No Female firefighters in NYC, prove me wrong

"The film follows the men and woman of the Detroit Fire Department".......

So this is what happens when you buy a 5DM2 'cus "That's What's So Cool Now" and you have no freaking clue About Photography, let alone digital Photography

Well, you are doing it wrong i guess....

It sends with a DNA testing kit, if you'r let's say adapted, then you would have to manually put it in

Am I doing something wrong here, all I see is a blank PDF

How the fuck is a simple PDF flie, 24.2 MB in size ?

It's not a slow news day, so the question is why, WHY ??

So, did the pilot survive ?

RedmondPie, WTF?

So I'm trying to land a job at apple, any idea's

can't think but wonder, why it took you so damn long to write about this

Union Square 2011

Union Square

Sam you fucking live in Williamsburg...??