Hercules Rockefeller

All you had to do to “reserve” one was give them like $100, come on

Another brilliant move by Elon! He’s Disrupting drowning!

If only this site wasn’t a shell of its former self - this would have been a fantastic comments section back in the day.

congrats on winning Jalopnik for today, you’ve clearly been here for a while.  you’ve earned it

Must have been an underinflated tire.

I think an exception should be made to allow these dangerous vehicles to be sold in freedumb loving red states.

I always sneak a couple wiper runs in between stuff at a car wash so debris stuck down in that area gets wiped out and blown out.

Or you could pay for a month and then cancel (unless they have new policies where that’s not allowed or something)

And don’t forget that it isn’t painted, so you have to bring the metal itself back to perfect visual quality. A painted panel needs to be brought to the correct shape and texture, and then any variance in color gets painted over. Raw stainless steel will likely just have to be replaced because you will never get it

the conservation efforts put forth by the off-roading community

For good reason. They hardly have any public land and much of the “open access” land is private. It’s not like America where our National Parks are larger than all of the UK put together. They just do not have any wiggle room and have to persevere what is left of their open space with vigor. When you drive the

I’m glad these folks are calling it out for what it is - irresponsible. I used to be of the mind that people should be able to buy whatever automobile they please, however when it leads to increased traffic, increased wear-and-tear on infrastructure, increased pedestrian related deaths, and a more polluted

I have no way to know whether she’s fun or not, but she’s absolutely right. These ads are glamourising [sic not sic] the exact behaviours [sic not sic] and attitudes that are destroying our climate and environment and will be killing us at an accelerating rate. So I guess I don’t give a fuck about her personality.

I’m surprised it took this long. Truck commercials come in two flavors:

A phev uses 1/4-1/5 of the battery of a full electric. It can provide 90% of the daily use as full electric.

I can’t imagine he would have convinced Harrison Ford to come back without promising to kill off Han any better than JJ or Kennedy could. Ford was done.

There have been many decades of reducing critiques of capitalism as unthinkable, especially by those who lived through the fall of things like the Iron Curtain and the existential dread of nuclear annihilation. However, we live in a time where a lot of young people are more open to the nuances of strong support for

No, my son. Faith is what makes everything work optimally, and that’s why we need 15% of your income as tithing.

Please deposit 75¢ to receive your answer.

I triple-dog-dare you to say that to ANY casino bouncer in Clark County. Film it, please.