Hercules Rockefeller

It’s definitely not going to be economic compared to fossil fuels at today's prices, but we still need to build out capacity for synthetic fuels to develop and refine the technology. At some point it's going to be cheaper than fossil fuels, simply because the cost of fossil fuels will keep rising as supply becomes

There are several competing processes for converting electric energy to liquid fuel and they are absolutely going to play a crucial role in the energy economy of the future. Electricity delivered via the grid should ideally serve as much of our needs as possible (which will require investment in infrastructure), but

The headline made it sound like the train didn’t win, which seems plausible when we’re talking about a massive concrete beam. So I clicked on the video expecting the engine to get “obliterated” per the headline and... nope the train wins and it’s not even close. I’m going to show this to my son before when he starts

Yes, you need to be able to clear the intersection but you never, ever, under any circumstances stop on train tracks. So either way the truck driver is 100% at fault (at least based on the limited information we have at this time).

Netflix lost too much of their compelling content because the contracts for their non-original shows expired and they stopped making good original shows. They’re an example of what happens if you go too far. Netflix couldn't control losing contracts for stuff like friends, but if they still put out original prestige

Yes, they get residuals for views. So every time someone watches a show that isn’t the reason why that customer doesn’t cancel their subscription, the streaming service is losing money. In the long term, this is bad because streamers are going to make nothing but focused-grouped shows that they know keep people

This is exactly the problem. 

I used to work in billing for a data center company and a few big streamers had accounts there, I can confirm that the costs are significant.

But most people will keep subscribing even without Westworld, so they aren't actually paying anything to stream Westworld.

The thing is, unless a given show is literally the reason why a subscriber doesn’t cancel, it’s not generating any revenue and paying those residuals is a complete waste of money. I was thinking of re-watching Westworld with my son because he’s never seen it, so this is disappointing to me. But HBO max has enough

Lol..what are movies supposed to do if not entertain the audience?

Ok I’ll admit it; I’m excited to see this. Sure, the entire plot of the first one was dumb as fuck and I generally shit on movies for being pure spectacle with a paint by the numbers plot. But I saw the first Avatar in IMAX 3D and it was one of the most immersive movie experiences I’ve ever had (probably second to

Damn, that's an asshole take.

Lol, what an idiot.

Those working relationships are very important in B2B sales, especially big ticket items, and even moreso when you’re selling to fortune 500 companies. Consumers can decide to buy a car whenever they please, corporations have detailed processes for purchases like this. And the whole time they’re going through that

Lol yeah that's not great. I've seen pictures of the interior and I don't think I want to see that during the ride. Even the star wars skin kinda ruined the effect of the original space mountain because you could see where screens had been hung up to display all of the SW graphics. The original space mountain made me

Space mountain already has a Star Wars reskin that they run at times, most of the effects are on screens so they can change back and forth between the two plots.

I was on a jury for a sexual assault trial once and it ended up in a hung jury. A couple of the people who were against convicting him were legit morons, but a couple of them had truly considered all the evidence and didn't think the case was proven beyond a reasonable doubt, even though they thought he was most

It sounds like you use FSD correctly, so thank you for that. I hope everyone else does as well, but I suspect you're in the minority.
