Hercules Rockefeller

Yes, it’s literally a defining character trait. Bond holds the rank of Commander in the Navy and (with the exception of Daniel Craig’s bond) he’s already a seasoned 007 agent. So with the time it takes to be one a 00 after serving in the Navy, he’s in his late 30's to mid 40's in the movies. Every actor has been at

This stuff doesn’t sound any worse than the shit we served when I worked there in the late 90's. Especially the sausage, which looked like rabbit food when it was uncooked and stunk so nauseatingly when you cooked it nobody with a hangover was allowed to prep it.

Lately I’ve been making myself breakfast nachos (literally just nachos with some salsa and scrambled eggs on top), so you'll get no judgement from me. 

Jesus Fucking Christ this might be the shittiest post on the whole damn AV club. At least the initial tone of it is shitty; I didn’t read past the second paragraph so maybe there’s something worthwhile later on.

It's probably part your TV, part cheap CGI, and partially compression artifacts from HBO's streaming. 

Don't be an idiot

Yeah GoT looked GREAT for the first few seasons because it was mostly fancy set dressing and consumes. We didn't really get a big battle scene until season 3 and even then it was a bit limited in scale compared to later seasons. 

Possibly Valyrian silver hair is dominant compared to most types of hair color but not brown that comes specifically from blood of the first men? That kinda makes sense thematically with the whole fire and ice thing (I guess Andal genetics is the big loser here).

I work in accounts receivable and recently interviewed for a position where they use word templates for their invoices; they are literally cutting and pasting from spreadsheets into the template then emailing the word doc to the customer! 

In the books Targaryens aren’t fireproof; Daenerys survives immolation in season 1 due to some blood magic spell or whatever. The scene where she burns down the Dothraki council isn’t in the books, they added it for the show because it was so bad ass. 

In Westeros / Essos hair color seems to be almost exclusively inherited from the father. It’s a genetic adaptation that allows for simpler plot exposition.

Why masturbate in an open window?

We don’t know what Hot Pie did to claw his way up to making actual pies...

No, it's absolutely necessary.

Delta won’t be able to make this a profit center like Tesla did and it’s not a big decision to start blending. It’s just a couple of tanks and the paperwork to document the renewable identification numbers for the fuel they blend in. That will allow them flexibility to meet their carbon caps but they are still buying

Anyone can take a tax write-off for not following through with a business project; all you have to do is spend a bunch of money making something then sell it. The money you spent is a business cost and with no resulting income that cost ends up offsetting other income.

I saw it on Paramount plus in April, I think it is still there. It's well worth checking out.

I love Forrest Gump just as much now as I did when it first came out; I would argue that it's aged just fine because it was never a "great" movie to begin with. It's a well-made, entertaining movie with an interesting story that ultimately means nothing (you gotta love how they set up the destiny vs random chance

Rey’s parents being nobody (just like the boy with the broom) was easily one of the best parts of the movie. It works very well on a thematic level with some of the other deconstructions in the movie. Rey is so obsessed with the question of her parents that it's clouding her ability to move forward with her life, and

Luke’s ending is actually awesome and a very intriguing new way to think about the force. He’s the only one that actually managed to bring balance to the force. I think the fact that the other Jedi couldn’t see past the whole Light/Dark dichotomy is part of why they failed so hard in the prequels; if they were truly