Oooohhhhhh me want
I’m hoping for a disgraced exit so it can be in writing and he can’t dismiss it. Although he’ll blame someone else... but it will be his legacy.
OMG Your comment just made me lol at work @6:51am. Thank you!
Oops ignore this I meant to respond to another’s comment but couldn’t delete!
I know the coat is D&G but ick and for what most people earn in a year? (or the median) Just no
He doesn’t go to that school. But bet you a million bucks other kids in that class had sex....
I couldn’t believe it when I heard it. Like, really?
I smirked. A good smirk tho
My thoughts as well..... sad face
*coughs*ButJezebelisnotagossipwebsite!*coughs* ;)
The fact that you had to clarify that made me smile.😂
I want to see the eye roll but I started watching and just listening to that bitch talk just makes my head explode. I can’t do it. Sigh
That is just so repulsive!!!!! He does that shit to his own daughter!
This was amazing!!!!!
With whom can you ever be 100% honest? I say no one,
I agree. My first response to this post and even the one where so many suffered was “how about we show them the same mercy they showed their victims?” Ugh my good human card has been revoked. :/
No not everyone clicks on links, but this is just guaranteeing to annoy. And then it becomes tl:dr.
Yeah but the friend is Andrew Lincoln-Rick on the Walking Dead!
But there IS a difference. There is no medical purpose for FGM. None.