it took me a minute, but then I was like
does this mean if my retinas are thinning to nothing that I am safe? (cause they are)
I WANT to laugh at this.... except it’s true
Any stats for that?
what oven do you cook it in?
They’re white so they can swim.
I hang my head in shame.... I’ve actually enjoyed an Adam Sandler movie or two.... 50 First Kisses was cute!
Oh gawd I forgot he’s just a kid. 14. Awkward age. He’ll grow into himself.
yes, but look at his dad....
Where did I say anything about MY feelings?
OMG I love you! I needed this laugh!
Really? This isn’t helping your argument.
So how come black people aren’t given vests when they’re getting arrested? Why in
People are for sure allowed to be sad and angry. Others are allowed to be naive and want to be helpful. No white person alive today really understands what POC have to deal with. I say “alive today” because inevitably in conversations like this, the topic of slavery comes up. As an American of Irish descent, I am well…
So Jon Stewart can talk but the rest of the white world should shut up?
This is totally disgraceful. And it’s in MD. Supposedly “up north” where people fought against slavery. Little girls! Disgusting. Some people suck. But then again, if they are mistreating animals, which is why those girls were there, what can we expect. Ugh
I know I am going to get sh it for this but I hate when people make these kind of arguments...
I’d love to know what his parents are like. Where he learned to be so hateful. I watched Jon Stewart and wondered how we can stop this type of thinking. Where did this kid (sorry, black or white, 21 to me is still a kid. Maybe because I have 2 living in my house- one black and one white - both males) learn this shit?…
When I first saw her on Facebook, I didn’t know who she was. I wasn’t sure if she was a boyish looking girl or a girlish looking boy (short hair : plus me=oldish). But I thought damn that is one friggin nice face. It is a gorgeous face. Maybe she is the new girl crush because of the boyish looking parts of her?…