
"We want a tiny house to be closer to our kids!"
That may seem like a nice idea when they're toddlers, but will rapidly become a living nightmare with teenagers, if it didn't happen before.

In the absence of real evidence, I'm an agnostic on the princes in the Tower. But if a genie showed up and revealed the truth, neither Henry VII or his mother would shock me.

I'd have kissed his ass in that position. Dude was scary.

In what alternate universe was Henry VII dishy?

Are you willing to do more than 10 minutes of research on an issue before acting on it? Congratulations, you are super qualified.

The smartass in me wanted the parents to just hand the kid to the gate agent and get on the plane, but as a parent that's definitely a non-starter.

I was on a Southwest flight where they publicly threatened to bump someone's toddler (just the toddler, not the rest of the family) and an unaccompanied minor who hadn't seen his dad in a year in order to get volunteers. Since then, these stories don't surprise me.

When I read Bunnicula to my kid, that scene was just as funny as it had been thirty years before. Would that all my childhood favorites had held up as well.


I don't think I'd want to talk smack about McKinley in public here.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. My spouse was born in our Midwestern state and has ancestors who were here before the Civil War, but he's half-asian. My ancestors all came from northern climes that rarely see the sun. Guess which one of us gets asked all the time where they're from (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)?

Technically speaking, you are an immigrant if you were born in another country, even if you become a citizen. Your children who were born in the US are not immigrants.

Maybe it's because people are hanging on to the good stuff. At least, I wish I could believe that…

Seconding the rec for NK Jemisin or Nnedi Okorafor.

Kindred, by Octavia Butler?