
I hung out with Jane Fonda at a party once and she was an absolute hoot. Ribald and gossipy and fun af. Totally best friend material.

Antiope in her favorite feather boa.

Oof, she’s GORGEOUS.

Co-signing on The Leftovers. Difficult, brilliant, worth it.

It’s what humans do.

You are extraordinarily patient and fair and I wish I could give you more stars for all of your comments in this thread.

I also read it as sarcasm.

A+ for Jane Jacobs aneurysm assessment

Jesus Murphy. I am SO sorry you (and pup!) went through that and SO glad he is okay. You poor thing. Your poor pup. That terrible driver.

Nah. My kids both hated them, which I took as a sign of their superior powers of discernment. Undermined somewhat, perhaps, by their shared love of spraycan whipped cream, but still.


This deserves a trillion stars.

Oh, he is SO HANDSOME.

Vinnie is an adorable little meezer

Dog side-eye is the best side-eye.

Antiope Buttercup being purrrrrrrdy.


Idris Alba crush: VALIDATED.

Now playing

Have you ever seen his Omaze Valentines Day video? It validates your hypothesis.

I love coconut but this made me laugh out loud.