
Yeah, you’ll be gotten good if you buy a crapcan Kia instead of a real car.

Please tell me it comes in brown.

Newsweek and Time have been irrelevant for over 30 years. The current incarnation is a last desperate attempt to flog the corpse for a few more dollars. The last time I actually read Newsweek it was out of desperation on a commuter flight. In a 50 page magazine there was 4 pages of actual news. The rest was fluff or

HELL YEAH! Take Bumblebee’s corpse, stuff an SBC in it, and hoon the hell out of it.


You can get one of these for a few K..

Kia - Korean for “Unreliable Crapcan”

Even if that was not just the result of the ‘Stang driver messing up, at the end of the day, your still driving a Korean Crapbox. Friends don’t let friends drive Kias.

Wait, AOL still exists??

I was a difficult child myself. I had baby sitters (mostly my older sister) until I was 13. My first real dinner out was at a very fancy Italian restaurant owned by a family friend. My Mom promised that if I was on my best behavior I could have Gelato for dessert. I countered by asking for cheesecake. She said “Deal”,

This beautiful car needs a showroom new restoration!

As of this writing 61% of you fools think this shiny turd is a good deal. Sadly, you are VERY mistaken. Lumina’s were all shitboxes, and broke down more often than an epileptic break dancer on a greased floor. CP all the way

We already HAVE a light tank

Good Riddance! I am sure the talentless bitch can find a job in the Trump campaign with all the other bigoted morons.

Clarkson would say that it needs

I am completely OK with banning Uber & the other rideshare services completely!

This is one of the many reasons I love George Takei

What a waste of a Hellcat engine...

Sadly no. The Bugatti Fancy Kristen wanted is still in the build queue: