
Now they need to bulldoze the studios and the rest of Flop Gear. Its long past time for the BBC to give up on these losers. Long live True Top Gear, aka The Grand Tour.

This is not news. If the headline had been “Two Subway Cars In New York Were NOT ‘Covered In Feces’ This Morning” - THAT would have been news.

I find a hammer works even better for uninstalling CrApple apps!

It was a dark and stormy night...

If the Union Goons win at Tesla, all it will mean is a loss of jobs in California, as Tesla uproots and goes to a “Right to work” state. Fuck all unions, especially the UAW.

In Soviet Russia, we laugh at your bourgeoisie multiple engines

I don’t get this. It should be so easy just to make this stuff all no transfer, and cut the legs out from under these scumbags.

So moron ruins nice car trying to perform a complex mod (downgrade?), then gets all snotty and puts out attitude in the ad trying to sell it?

Now playing

Props for the Mitchell & Webb reference, I’ll just leave this here.

Well done! Best I ever did was ~700 AD on Prince

Now all the other states need to follow suit, and BAN Autonomous cars. Everyone involved in the entirely avoidable slaughter of that unfortunate woman, including Uber and the moron driver need to be sued out of existence.

Sorry no, the Lidar maker needs to be prosecuted for the slaughter of this woman, along with Uber, the software maker, and the moron driver who was supposed to be paying attention.

If the devs gave a crap, they’d be able to stop this, but they don’t.

Fuck you, fuck Uber, fuck the Driver, fuck the Programmers. Arfest the lot, charge them all with Manslaughter and Reckless Endangerment. They ALL go to jail for the ENTIRELY preventable killing of this woman. Ban all autonomous cars, NO ONE NEEDS THEM. I’ll keep hammering on this - Ride Share, Public Transport, Cabs,