
So moron ruins nice car trying to perform a complex mod (downgrade?), then gets all snotty and puts out attitude in the ad trying to sell it?

Now playing

Props for the Mitchell & Webb reference, I’ll just leave this here.

Well done! Best I ever did was ~700 AD on Prince

Now all the other states need to follow suit, and BAN Autonomous cars. Everyone involved in the entirely avoidable slaughter of that unfortunate woman, including Uber and the moron driver need to be sued out of existence.

Sorry no, the Lidar maker needs to be prosecuted for the slaughter of this woman, along with Uber, the software maker, and the moron driver who was supposed to be paying attention.

If the devs gave a crap, they’d be able to stop this, but they don’t.

Fuck you, fuck Uber, fuck the Driver, fuck the Programmers. Arfest the lot, charge them all with Manslaughter and Reckless Endangerment. They ALL go to jail for the ENTIRELY preventable killing of this woman. Ban all autonomous cars, NO ONE NEEDS THEM. I’ll keep hammering on this - Ride Share, Public Transport, Cabs,

Send one to Torch to stuff into his Pao

Getting real about them would mean banning them completely. If there is any good to come of the tragic, and entirely avoidable death of that woman, is that no insurance company will ever be willing to insure them, so they will go away, as they should.

No my fellow Jalops, THIS is how you celebrate Spring...

Uber, the software designer, and the driver (yes the guy who hired the car WAS the driver, even if he was too distracted or stupid to not take over and avoid the collision) are ALL responsible, and ALL need to be prosecuted for Manslaughter.

they sound like they have as much of a sense of humor as the Morris Minor owners?

Kermit Approves!

Because it’s fugly. Seriously, was it designed by blind monkeys?

I first read this as “Dr Who Wrecked a Ferrari F-40", and was wondering when The Doctor stopped riding around in the TARDIS.

Hell, the V-10 is a downgrade - what you REALLY need is this:

It’s STILL a crappy, butt ugly Prius, which, by the way. when you consider the overall environmental impact is WORSE for the polar bears than a full size diesel truck.