
What a HORRIBLE thing to do to a beautiful Roller!

Stuff a Hellcat engine in it David, you know you want to...

GOOD! Women can do anything that they want to, including WIN in F-1. As for upper body strength and fitness, there are ladies at my gym who can bench press me, and I’m a 6'4" former football player, so I aint light. 

It should be legal to attack autonomous cars with pickaxes, chainsaws, or flamethrowers.

Get rid of the embedded videos, and the infinitely scrolling pages. Also put Fancy Kristen in charge of everything.

How about we ALL ignore DST? Please?

Except they haven’t. I watched a few episodes of Flop Gear, and the chemistry between the hosts seems forced and wooden. It’s like they’d all rather be someplace else. Don’t bother with the cheap knock-off, instead watch Real Top Gear on Amazon TV.

And you’re a Nazi Moron if you believe that Reichsfuhrer Vladimir Trump give a crap about anything other than stroking his own ego, fucking over the country in every way possible out of stupidity, bigotry, homophobia, and a perverse desire to undo all the good that previous administrations have done. Oh yeah, and the

If I were Delta, I’d cancel all service to Georgia airports until further notice.

I don’t care about the politics, it sounds like a tedious and not very fun game. Pass.

Who cares? Like all the big awards, winning an oscar is no guarantee that the movie isn’t crap. I will be doing something much more interesting than watching a bunch of overblown egos stroke each other.

This is fraud, plain and simple. Dealers who did this should be arrested, fined heavily, and jailed. Ferrari should be revoking dealerships in EVERY case.

Some moron with more money than sense will buy it, and crash it within a few days. With any luck, the only one killed will be him.

I haven’t had Gosling’s in ages.

“The case against this student epitomizes the need for parents to be involved and to monitor their children’s social media use,” said DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin in a press release.

Bacardi is not just evil, its crap. Buy Kraken instead.

Good for Kaceytron! I’ll definitely be following her now.

There is only one way this bitch can redeem herself - spill EVERYTHING. If she doesn’t she can burn in hell with the rest of Trump’s Nazis.