
Disagree, its a shitty car, fails against a good diesel as far as economy car, and it tends to be driven by obnoxious people.

Those planes are just as invisible as Trumps IQ

thats soooo cute!

also Priuses

This guy is a true Jalop!

“Katy Perry’s Nunfight” is also the name of her next album.

This is because Trump and his Nazi buddies are buffoons who act like spoiled toddlers. They have no grasp of how to handle any real political issue. Time to nuke DC and start over.

In other words, its an idiot tax. I have paid real money for things in video games, but not for something so utterly useless. If I saw someone in the game wearing one of these, I would mock them mercilessly.

This is ALSO a Motor

No, its the DSV

Just ban turbos & superchargers, and bring back naturally aspirated V-10s & V-12s. Problem solved.

Why cant Steam just ban this company from submitting games?

Miata is never the answer.

If you were to stance this car, or put a crappy body kit on it, I would be forced to hunt you down and terminate you with extreme prejudice.

The argument that has been made is that since the Diplos have Immunity, you can’t tow their cars. WRONG. The cars don’t have immunity, tow em, sell em or crush em. Stop fucking around with these privileged assholes.

Detroit should be paved over, and turned into the worlds biggest speedway. Because Racecar.

Maybe this is a stupid question, but why doesn’t McLaren make their OWN F-1 engines?

For Sale: 1932 MG J2 - 100 Pounds - Ran when parked.

Disagree in the strongest possible terms, The game maker owns the IP, and has the absolute right to protect it from being associated .with assholes like Kellberg. This troll needs to be silenced,