
but not before “Why not V-12"

This is what we really need for Mars, yaknow, to deal with those pesky Martians

I think its stunning! WANT!

Toyota Land Cruiser Diesel, preferably in brown. Accept no substitutes.


Naturally aspirated V-12 PLEASE? The world needs more V-12s!

Why do carmakers focus so much on tuning performance cars to Nurburgring lap times? As James May of Real Top Gear correctly pointed out, doing so ruins them for ordinary road use. While I think it’s cool that enthusiasts can take their cars out and get lap times, I think it’s a huge mistake that manufacturers focus

I doubt Cheetoh Brain knows anything about the automotive business, or any business since almost all of his have failed miserably.

The ‘Ring is irrelevant, and tuning cars for speed times there ruins them.

Absolutely agree! Battery technology - capacity, charge time, battery life, cost, and energy density are the most vital technologies for the 21st century. Cars, computers, laptops, phones, other consumer devices - all will benefit from improved battery performance.

World’s most dangerous cult: Trump supporters.

I hope he died painfully.

if this had happened in Colorado, the car would have been paved over

So a flying Prius? BORING!

Nice price all day!

*bzzt* “Jason knows the truth, send in the reprogramming squad”

Toyota is boring as hell. The Camry is the very definition of “I don’t give a crap about cars so I will buy one that will not offend me, and give me the feeling of being in a bath of warm pablum while driving”, and the Prius is the same, but way shittier to drive. Driving a Prius is about as much fun as driving in a