
This has to be Photoshopped

The correct answer is: Lifetime Bus Pass

In other words, Feminazi bullshit. Yes the birth experience should be as respectful as possible, but the safety of the mother & child takes priority over everything else.

Challenge Accepted

This thing:

Up until now its been a closely held secret that one of these things was actually built and deployed...

Pats the Predator Drone on the nose (gently). You will be missed old friend.

AMC Eagle SX4 Wagon, if you turned the air con on, the radio would go nuts, changing channels randomly. If I wanted air & music, I had to listen to my aftermarket CD player

Brilliant article, this is what I come to Jalopnik for.

The 6 Million Dollar Jeep!

NASCAR is just dumbing down things for their target audience if Redneck Idiots. Since NASCAR is boring as fuck anyway, they need to find meaningless shinies to keep the fools entertained.

Fixed that headline for you

Now playing

What do you think Trump’s Twitter password is? He can’t be smart enough for two-stage authentication and all that right? Do you think he even knows it?

to the leaders of the town of New Miami

Its only Corvettes, its not like it was a truckload of brown diesel station wagons.

Ferrari Ihaveaverysmallpersonality Grand Touring

Starting with all Republicans

Why yes Mr President, your seat is right here in what used to be the bomb bay.