I feel sorry for the guy, but I wouldn’t trust Maaco to paint a turd
I feel sorry for the guy, but I wouldn’t trust Maaco to paint a turd
V-16s are for GODS
FUCK NO! Unions destroy companies. Why do you think most car production on the US is now in Right To Work states where they don’t have to put up with Union Goons.
I am playing a game called “Real Life”, which involves spending a lot of time with my gorgeous girlfriend.
No wonder no one is buying this car - ita ll blurry!
Still hoping for that meteor!
The one time i was in Detroit on business, I was staying at a nice hotel in what seemed like a decent area. I decided to check out a restaurant that was highly recommended. It was just two blocks from the hotel. I was going to walk to the restaurant, but the clerk said he’d call a cab for me. I asked why, since is…
Who the fuck cares what those talentless losers over at Flop Gear do? The BBC needs to realize that they have lost badly to Real Top Gear (AKA The Grand Tour), and replace it with another gardening show.
If any Jalop sees anyone driving this hideous shitbox6 null , kill them immediately to put them out of their misery.
I am sure one of our subs was following it all the way.
No “Little Red Corvette”?
A better use: buy 1,600 500$ cars, and hold the biggest beater race EVER!
Except it won’t happen. Cheetoh Brain & his Nazi’s don’t give a shit about anywhere but NYC, and I am sure the fuckwad he chose for Secretary of Transportation will find ways to waste whatever money he gets on hookers & blow.
This asshole cop & his boss need to be locked in an unheated patrol car for a few hours on a REALLY cold day.