
That is AWESOME!!

This is a VERY bad idea:

I vote for “F-1 Rejects driving around in circles”

It wont get built, because, idiots FaradayNoFuture is a SCAM. Also that was lousy CGI.

Shoot them all, keep the swag. Problem solved.

Call them what they are - Racist, Homophobic, Misogynistic Fuckwads, who are a waste of oxygen

As in “Waymo crappy self driving cars that no one in their right mind would want to buy”

My simple rule is this: If you enjoy it, watch it. If you dont, then dont. Do not criticize anyone else for their tastes. Everyone is different.

Why would anyone pay that much money for a VW?

V-8s suck!

Too bad Cheetoh Brain wasn’t in it.

Good for her! If she ever lets the kid have a car again, it should be a malaise era crapbox in a really ugly color.

I’ll still watch it. Movies like this are what I call “Brain Candy”. just relax & enjoy.

I’ve got 3$ I can spare.

For Bernie, life should be in a burning dumpster

They will regret this decision when all the CrApple iCars start spreading fiery death on the streets of Sheboygan.

Nice story Torch! John Glen is beyond awesome. By the way, did you send in your application to join the Mercedes F-1 team?

I pronounce it “Volkswagen”