Ten bucks says we will be at war with someone on day one of Cheetoh Brain’s presidency. Any takers?
Needs more bling!
The theme song should be this, because Top Gear is BAAAAACK!
Please let it be that he & Wiener traded dick pics
Firebomb that fucker
This os a crack pipe full of crack pipes and Trump’s wig shavings
If you voted for Cheetoh Brain, do the world a favor and kill yourself, you fucking asshole. No one will miss you.
Better than watching America get fucked over by Cheetoh Brain
Stuff him in a Yugo, and fire the secret service detail!
I blame everyone who DIDN’T vote for Hillary. If you are among that number, fuck off & die - the world with be better off without you and your verminous spawn
Overbooking is FRAUD! It should be Illegal, and Airline Execs should go to jail over it.
This assumes Cheetoh Brain doesn’t have her deported. How the FUCK did we elect this Fuckwad?
I weep for our once great nation. The GOP is dead, the party of Lincoln & Reagan has been murdered by cheeto brain. Its time for a purge - its time for every single member of the Cheeto Party to die.