None of them, they all suck. Buy a Subaru.
None of them, they all suck. Buy a Subaru.
No we are thinking of something involving hot knives
Worse yet, a flying Prius... no wait, that’d be a good thing because it would kill off all the idiots who bought one.
6 null Please end the agony! Faux Gear is NOT a good car show, hell its not a good show of any sort.. The whole Top Gear brand needs to die (Top Gear USA is already dead, thank god). Then the Stig will be free to go work for REAL Top Gear over on Amazon.
I cannot give this enough stars!
When will the BBC realize that this is NOT Top Gear, and never will be? Time to cancel it and replace it with a nice gardening show? The hosts have zero chemistry, and Evans has the charisma of a rotting fish head.
GOOD! Get the hell out while you still have a career left.
Lock the bitch up for a very long time. The punishment DOES not fit the crime.
Print is dead, no one cares.
The DMCA is a SHITTY law that needs to go away completely!
Right Chaps! There’s one of your Jeeps needing a rescue! - Staff Sgt May
Orlove, Damnit! You should know better! THIS POS IS NOT TOP GEAR! Evans and his crew of losers are incapable of doing a real care show.
Please hand in your Jalop card. We will be coming by yo confiscate all your cars, and leave with a first gen Prius as the only car you will be allowed to drive, Your are a disgrace to REAL Jalops everywhere,
I bet if you dried it off, it would still run.
Nor should they! Blame the gunman for his act of terror, Blame his stupid violent backwards homophobic religious views. Blame Islam, and all the so called “Moderate Muslims” (Hint: there is no such thing) for not speaking out against this horrific act. Blame the authorities for not keeping guns out of the hands of…
I cannot star this enough! COTD!