
Not enough by far! He should be beaten to death, and his body burned and thrown into a deep body of water.

Limit them to 30 Mph, and forbid them on the highway. Problem solved.

I have better idea - lets not, and wait for Real Top Gear to return this fall.

I think this is AWESOME! Nice price!

He has them

I would repair it minimally, put a full roll cage and safety harness in it, and take it to the Demolition Derby!

James May could recite Proust and I’d be entertained.

It will be so nice to have Real Top Gear back on the air, as opposed the the pile of steaming feces the idiots at the BBC are trying to foist off on us!

That is the least pretty Cougar ever, CP

Except for the Stig, this show was awful in every way. Any Jalop who actually liked it, needs to turn in your Jalop card, grow a beard, move to Seattle, and buy a Prius.

Are you an idiot Freddy? This shitshow with its pathetic cast of losers (save the poor Stig of course) is not and NEVER will be Top Gear. The BBC fucked up big time, and now they are trying to pass of this - truly awful show as being something a Jalop would enjoy, and they are dead wrong.

Puts on his Nomex suit and laughs

Miatas are ugly little cars. Crack Pipe filled with a bland of dung, crack, and Drano.

So the Cats would have somewhere to live.

The only thing I want is for them all to die horrible fiery deaths. Thankfully, the Stig is firepoof.

I would have MADE him drink the whole damn vial.

I would love an SUV like that!

Fuck milk, if I ever win the Indy, I want Champagne!