Great Article! Thank you for this, and I wish you the best of luck.
Great Article! Thank you for this, and I wish you the best of luck.
The Rafale is a pretty bird for sure! Great article Tyler.
She is definitely worth a star - or a stare!
Hey! they are still every bit as much fun to play with!
You can bet that all of these assholes are now on the Secret Service watch-list, where they belong. Thank you for identifying yourselves, losers!
The Dealership Model is Terrible - UNLESS - You find one of the few very good ones, which is why I have bought 5 cars from, them, and recommended them to others - who have all had good experiences.
Flash is dying, but like a dinosaur that’s been stabbed, its going to take a looong time for it to die. Plus, everyone needs to agree on whats going to replace it! That may add another ten years to Flash’s life expectancy.
Wrong approach. Better to keep bombing Iran until they give up all their nukes and equipment for making them, and REQUIRE that inspection teams have access without warning at any time.
We need a brown Polestar Wagon!
What a BEAUTIFUL plane! I really hope they get it flying again - it will be GORGEOUS in flight.
I have always loved the GTI, and this one looks awesome! Nice Price!
The only reason I can imagine Camille still supports the sack shit that is her husband is that she must have a pre-nup that gives her nothing in the event of a divorce. Still, I am surprised she hasn’t poisoned his pudding cup yet.
A great article, and a sad state of affairs. An F-16 with conformable tanks and AIM-9X missiles can outperform an F-35 .
If this is half as good as the trailer, its going to be AWESOME. Frankly, I am looking forwards to this much more than the new Bond movie.