
That is not who she is going to take care of…

Possible spoiler:
The next episode is called "The Illustrious Client". Is something like happened in the Arthur Conan-Doyle story of the same name going to happen here?

I'm not sure about that. Ginger's having a premature orgasm seems more plausible than Bill's fling with the "latex lady".

What is HIMYM? And what about Dexter's final season and finale?

Since just about every prediction I have ever made about this series has been wrong, I will stick my neck out and say that Bill turns to goo — the sooner the better now he's such a prune. I liked him better when he was Bilith.

Can we be sure Sam doesn't come back and marry Sookie? Isn't that what happened in the books? Can we seriously have Sookie end up with Eric? Perhaps… But if Eric turns Sookie wouldn't that give rise to some sibling rivalry? Could Pam and Sookie ever be sisters? Jason trying to control his inappropriate erection with a

From the promos, it seems that Violet may still have some "agency". Sure, it seems ridiculous that she takes things so calmly — but is it just for show. And does she really need to be fucked by Jason or to own him? Violet's need is for power, not sex.

Yes, she was human — she didn't turn to goo when Bill killed her, and he didn't stake her, just stabbed her, something that would have done little harm to a vampire. Still, a Vampire Lawyer may mean a lawyer for vampires (as a criminal lawyer means a lawyer for criminal cases).

Ginger was rendered dumb by continual glamourings over a period of years. This was made plain way back.

Yeah, it has lost all the quirky clever humour. The first series was quite a good gothic murder mystery, and some of the others, although deliberate nonsense, were fun. This episode was the worst I've seen. The plot seemed incoherent, Sookie and Alcide had the chemistry of a damp squib, and the shows redeeming grace —

Presumably with the devil and someone else! ;-)

Face it, it's a perfectly normal window — I have had the same in houses and apartments I've lived in. You must get out more! I can't understand your problem with it. The top bit can slide down or the bottom bit slide up. Such windows are found all over the world. She could have pushed the bottom half up, but that

I agree with just about everything in the review, but the reason the Hep V, or whatever, virus no longer weakens vamps is because it has mutated. This was made plain at the end of last season.