
To me this is comparing apples and oranges. Carole King and Sara Bareilles are totally a different kind of performer than Pink. You prefer what they do, and that's great. But just dismissing what Pink is doing ("eh") seems kind of unfair. I for one really admire and appreciate her contributions to the art of dance,

I think that she might be singing in some places. You can hear her breathing especially during the dance portion.

I think she's a really underrated woman in Pop. She's interesting and her music has grown on me. The performances I've seen have been stellar. She nailed this performance - front to back. I think Nate Ruess has a terrible voice... it makes me turn my head like a Labrador listening to a whistle.

Mr. Bean's reaction here is priceless.

I know she's done this before, but it doesn't lessen my amazement at the skill and athleticism it must take to sing live-ish and perform this way.

I think you meant to reply to me, so I'll respond.

He did write about that too.

This is misogynistic as well. You've taken an article about the problems of women and you've tacked on, "but what about the poor menz"?
What you say is true, but this is not the place or that discussion.
Thank you for proving the bloggers point.

It clearly says "RoseArt".

This is so disturbing- but is anyone freaked out that they might start using coma patients and brain dead bodies as surrogate wombs for rich women? I feel like there is an element of "How long can a comatose person carry a baby?" experimentation going on here that is scary as fuck.

Let's assume this fetus were viable. And then it would be born with a ton of special needs and health problems and likely need care 24/7.

I dislike the framing that they should remove the life support because the fetus is abnormal because even if the fetus was fine, they should still be following the family's wishes.

So, just to be clear:

I want to address some of the gray comments without actually having to bring them out of the gray.

Depression and anxiety aren't real. And who doesn't find prescription 'heroin' helpful?

Ask for a referral to a psychiatrist (ideally one who also does therapy), and talk about your issues. It could be ADHD, or any number of things, but it's definitely worth looking into.

Rather, my inability to pay attention, to keep track of things or time, chipped away at my self-confidence and inflated my depression; a diagnosis gave me a name for what I'd always assumed were personal shortcomings.

Yes, this. This is my life. I was not diagnosed until my mid-20's, after I had my first child. My house was a wreck, my marriage was a wreck, my mothering was non-existent. My complete lack of executive function was eroding every single facet of my life. I'd been diagnosed with depression multiple times, put on every

I struggled in every grade of school, even though I was considered "bright". Adderall has changed my entire life and career now that I can actually, you know, accomplish shit now that I can focus.

There were dozens of hoops to jump though, doctors to meet with, and evaluations to undergo. But due to Adderall's stigma,

I like Anne. Here is a woman with actual talent and zero bad behavior and she gets crap for it. Women cannot win.