
I think Piz gets a bad rap because the season he was introduced was so sloppy. Everybody's characterization (save Wallace, actually) was a bit off. Personally, I think Veronica and Weevil were destined and were just fighting it. I thought that the pilot episode and it only got stronger over all the episodes. I never

Wow, do they even know that in some part of Canada, it's not even legal to take the spouse's name ?

Yep, I remember the U.S. team looking mighty spiffy in Salt Lake City. I think 2002 was the year that Roots Canada designed both the Canadian and U.S. Olympic team gear but yet the two teams looked quite distinctive from each other.

So this is John Tucker Must Die, with adults.

Can I suggest you wait until you get to Norway? These are made for US winter weather, not Norway winter weather, which is a whole other beast. Best you wait and buy whatever the locals are wearing.

Pajar are THE BEST. I'm from Montreal and these are the only boots that kept me warm and dry!

Gawker sites, when you crosspost articles from the other GM sites, the author's name should appear next to the article title on the mainpage. NOT the crossposter's name, even if they wrote a two sentence introduction.

Oh? Are you diabetic? Do you know exactly how it works? I've never passed out, and I've been diabetic for 31 years, but I know it's always a possibility. I have to have my doctor sign a letter for the DMV every fucking year to say that I am capable of driving, and if my doctor says I'm fine, YOU CAN GO FUCK

You think she could actually get charged with possession by saying that she had it on her at one point? Nope. Just, nope.

"This guy has the emotional maturity and intellectual prowess of a freshman philosophy major"

I love the shoes. I won't lie. He could've just named the damn things after the women and not written the horribly plotted, likely-faked-or-exaggerated stories.

This project could have been AMAZING. The shoes are really cool, and I don't at all mind the concept, actually. The accompanying stories, however, are insufferable. This guy has the emotional maturity and intellectual prowess of a freshman philosophy major who insists his teachers all give him Cs because they're

Yeah, it's weird that he added all those shitty stories, but honestly, the shoes are kinda cool. I don't see why a stupid story would ruin anyone's appreciation for the show.

The stories are horribly written and I don't doubt this guy is a self-pitying douche, but am I the only one who thinks that the shoes objectively are kind of interesting and it's kind of a cool idea? *runs*

Alright, so the Nuvaring was my first ever form of birth control other than condoms (awww), so I've become quite used to it. Can't imagine having to take a pill every day and it took my body a good six months before it got used to the Nuvaring, so I don't want to go through a hazing period (haha) again.

She's the first woman to blah, blah, blah... That should mean absolutely nothing. By pointing this out actually is actually sexist.

Wouldn't want her job for anything in the world

Well, she was previously executive VP of GM's global product development. I guess she's fully qualified for the position.

All I can say, as someone with ADD and a Ritalin prescription, is that it feels like all you neurotypical people who take Adderall or Ritalin are talking about some other drug entirely. What is this magical pill you're taking that gives you laser-like focus, energy, and a recreational high? All my stuff does is give