Okay, if there's no Pete Seeger in here, please, there has to be a good article about what Pete Seeger meant for jezebel affiliated issues.
Okay, if there's no Pete Seeger in here, please, there has to be a good article about what Pete Seeger meant for jezebel affiliated issues.
I love this cover- I'm iffy on Lana del Ray but the song is so good arranged like this. Bam blown away.
That's a great point- because it doesn't absolve a mutual responsibility. When I said "You're meeting the wrong straight women" I wasn't trying to absolve sw of their responsibility in creating the relationship. The article talks about misogyny in the gay community. I have been saying that I think that view of…
Gah, sorry. I messed it up.
Absolutely! But why does asking a gay man to examine how parts of their society divorce themselves from half of society that has a similar and related history of oppression from the patriarchy turn into "but they do bad things to us too!"
Clearly, you are meeting the wrong straight women to be friends with, and you have the ability to say no, and ask them not to do that, just as the woman in the story tried to explain why the guy shouldn't slap her ass. Bad behavior from a straight woman does not justify misogyny towards them or other women.
1) taking stock of who you are and when trying to engage someone whose behavior is hurtful is treating them like a human being. As I said, one's child would have different things to say and a different affect than someone of the street.
2)If a negative assessment of someone who hurts people for reasons I don't agree…
This is so disturbing- but is anyone freaked out that they might start using coma patients and brain dead bodies as surrogate wombs for rich women? I feel like there is an element of "How long can a comatose person carry a baby?" experimentation going on here that is scary as fuck.
Your brain is working efficiently, and thus stress of constantly trying to harness your brain in, the self-flagellation that comes with knowing you could or should be able to do what you're trying to do and the frustration with the poor results...
I recommend you read "Driven to Distraction" (the audiobook is somewhere on youtube)- it will give you some language to discuss what's happening to you
Thank you for writing this. I did not get treated for ADHD until my second year of law school, at 24. My brother has much more severe symptoms than I and that, in combination with my compensatory mechanisms, masked my problems to my parents and myself.
I think, at this point, it is safe to say that Taylor Swift, for all her faults, is a good person. So few people have anything bad to say about her, but even more, people go out of their way to talk about how generous and sweet she is.
That's terrible. Roots usually does such a good job!
The real question is, what are the Canadians wearing?
fjallraven, Bergans, Norrona, Helly Hansen
I agree it's a shame, but still, "pointing it out" isn't sexist.
I am also Chrysler by legacy and that legacy is through one of the first female engineers at the company, working on the factory floor. This appointment IS really important, both in practice, but also to note.
Dude, really? She's laying on top of his means of standing and moving. This may be one of those ask for forgiveness instead situations..
Uh, she tripped over that other kids walker. I don't think the dog did it alone.
Re: Goldieblox Suit: I see a silent settlement after the public filing.