
We used to. McD used to let you supersize everything, but there's been a lot of public backlash against that type of food (the kind in excess of a day's worth of calories), so they got rid of that menu option. Honestly though, I always buy the double, then cut it in half and give it to my wife. Double the sandwich for

I learned long ago to not compete with people I'm related to (or dating, now married to). Better to play co-op or not at all. My wife and I have played through every Zelda together, often when one of us can't get past a boss or puzzle, the other one blows through it.

I was thinking about Futurama, Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles to be exact.

Just the mothers that I know with one or two kids clinging to their youth by pretending they can drink bottles and bottles of wine before moving to cocktails at two in the afternoon on a wednesday. While "watching" their kids play. My wife knows better than that, but the fact that her friends don't is appalling.

If Sony and MS really do make their consoles of essentially identical parts, at what point should they stop competing and merge?

The thing about SIDs is, you're not likely to catch it in time on a camera. They make breathing/heart monitors for children who need it, but if they don't already have a life threatening condition they cause more panic than they cure. The only thing you can do is take the shit (blankets, pillows, bumpers, toys or

I still need to get a fake ID so I can rent some ultra porn...

Sure would be swell if Nintendo would actually address people's questions about processor, gpu, ram, etc, when they announce new products like this. They are questions regularly asked, really should have that information out front and center when you announce a new console.

walmart has a generic of the tagalongs, it was my personal favorite when my wife was pregnant and demanding them.

Weatherspark is far and away my favorite site, simple for the amazing radar. I've not come across a better radar with as many features anywhere else. Historical data is nice to have too, though I rarely look at it.

I see the issue where a university controls its own homework system, but I'm using the ones provided by the publishers (or at least, supported by them, like webassign and wileyplus) and they of all people should have the resources and the staff to make it happen.

For me, the purveyors of online homework need to either move to html 5, or Apple needs to suck it up and support flash. I can't access any of my online homework on an ipad, so I'm still using my laptop for nearly everything. I'll likely wait to buy a new ipad until one or the other happens. Sure would be nice if apple

I'm only really interested in how much their extra data is going to cost. I'm looking at needing 100GB of space, and I'd love for them to undercut the current market. You know they have the ability to, but would they really do it is the question?

hyperlinks is gone, Thanks:D

This is the problem with the humans in general, though specifically with Americans, if it isn't going to be a problem today, let someone else deal with it. Here "personal freedom" is shouted when it is suggested that sacrifices need to be made for the betterment of the rest of society/the future. It would be

Ah THAT was her name, I kept thinking "Meg" but I knew that wasn't right. Thanks.

This format is annoying, just write a normally formatted article next time.

Don't fridges need room to breathe? Seems like it would get awfully hot in that "pantry."

This happens all the time. My wife has been into japanese culture and anime for 15+ years, I've been playing japanese video games since the NES. Since the advent of the things like youtube, girls have regularly done stuff like this, dress up and use make up to look like the big eyed girls that everyone seems to love

I'm not at a point where this is an issue, but if some person was asked for their password, refused, and then didn't receive a job as a result, that seems like it would be ripe for a lawsuit. Not that I support lawsuit happy people, but I would freak out if someone demanded to see that from me. If they can't read my