
If they could get those kinds of fuel economy numbers and still pass US safety regs, they'll have a real winner, but, sadly, I don't think they can. This is the same thing that happened to the Smart car. The added weight pulled the gas milage down, and, you don't want to be sitting in something that small and crappy

Jump first, then rocket launcher the ground, otherwise, only half of you reaches the balcony :)

+1. List will be 1 Viper, and 9 other cars that wish they were Vipers.

AMEN! Just like skiing - the packed shit has less traction than the powder.

Even better - reprogram your buddy's while he's not looking, then invite him to drag race.

I've been driving my 2005 for a year and a half now. You'll love it.

Dude, I didn't read this far down. I picked the same photo. LOL. Was reading that wikipedia article, and something struck me. In it's last flight ever - the trip that would put the last one in a museum, the pilots, just for the hell of it, decided to go ahead and break 4 manned-flight speed records. Something

The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. Never again will such an advanced aircraft be built. It's said that it performed better the faster it went. This machine was all about speed. During reconnaissance missions the SR-71 operated at high speeds and altitudes to allow it to outrace threats. If a surface-to-air missile

One Thousand times, "YES"!

Not a Syncro, not interested. Guess I'll have to take the Eurovan, then...

So another complaint about the numbering scheme. Let me quote the last bit of the 'Handling' section: "It's the only disappointing part of an otherwise tremendous car." In a review, I would expect to see 8's and 9's and maybe a single 10 for a "tremendous" car. The only "disappointing" part should stick out like a

My brother's first car was a Diamante ES sedan. It was a pile of crap. Every single electronic thing in the car failed before he got rid of it. Every. Single. One. Radio, yep. Heater, yep. Windows, yep. Automatic Radio Arial, yep. Power Steering, yep. Interior Lighting, yep. Turn Signals, well, they turned

Someone else's car. Hear me out: I've known a couple of professors that moved around so much during their careers that they didn't own a car. One of them never even had a driver's license. The one that I knew best was constantly bumming rides off of anyone and everyone.

I love the responses to this comment. Equal parts fanboy and troll. This will prove you correct, Mr. "For Sweden". The car in the pic behind the nice lady is exactly the car I drive, right down to the paint color and roof rack. Oh, and BTW, Subies are better than Volvos any day of the week ;)

Drag racing a Veyron and winning isn't really all that difficult, comparatively speaking. They get to 60 in ~2.5 seconds, and run a quarter mile in the high 9s at around 140-150mph. While those are big numbers, I can think of a large number of tuned cars that can hit them. The Venom GT's numbers are just about the

Yay! I'm no longer an AOTD virgin!

Coming home from college one weekend, I was passing by Farmer City on I74 when I made to overtake a red 80's Chevy pickup. I thought it strange that the driver's left hand was sticking out the driver's window, apparently holding a large wooden object. As I came up next to him, I realized that this gentleman was

better than just allowing the damage apparent in the 1st photo to just heal.

I have a friend that works at a Subaru dealership who would like a word with you...

Meh. I'll still take a Nexus 7, thankyouverymuch!