
Actually suprised the xB didn't make it. I know 3 IT "professionals" that drive one.

Yep. Exactly. In fact, I remember reading on Jalop that this is the standard ride for "that kid in IT". Anyway, I'm an "Infrastructure Supervisor" and I drive this bad boy's slightly fatter and slower cousin, the Forester XT. It will get a 20TB SAN, 36 flat-panel monitors, a box of keyboards, and another, smaller

yes, any technology within the vicinity of this vehicle will be "going down".

Was taking a drink when I saw this. You, sir, owe me a new monitor.

I nominate the 300C.

Not sure if troll....

They're talking temperature. A cheap weapon will be poorly made out of cheap materials, and heat up quite a bit when used constantly for extended periods (like you would in a 24-hour shootout).

Funny thing, the 2.5 in my Forester XT just self-destructed, everything from the tranny forward was a complete loss, so I may be the "proud" owner of a blown Subie flat-4 pretty soon. The turbo granaded, and got all sorts of titanium bits all up in all the bearings, so the block should look great, just all scored up

I was just gonna say "slant six, because if you could figure out how to do it, you would be immediately deemed a wizard." Maybe stack 2 back to back?

since 2005, the VW Jetta has had AC in the glovebox, center console, and the trunk. This is on the "Value Edition" on up, or on all trim levels where there was no Value Edition.

Test drove one of these when we were replacing my wife's car. In my experience, you've slightly understated that beast's performance. She said "no" :( Price might have had something to do with it. I cruse around in a Forester XT now, though.

Nice. Mines got the slushbox, which kinda ruins it, but the price was right.

Love my 2005 XT. The day I got it (used), I pulled up to a toll booth next to a late model charger with the "Hemi". I pulled away at a resonable speed, he nailed it, I saw him go, then I nailed it. The look of astonishment on his face as I overtook him was priceless. Also, the fact that it can and will do that

I know an acquaintance that has a completely stock turbo Supra. It's his baby.

Don't get me wrong, most truckers are stand-up folks doing a job that is necessary, difficult, unglamorous, and increasingly low-paying, but there are bad apples that ruin the image. Example - one of my best friends was driving to work down a suburban Chicago highway when a truck clipped her back-passenger side,

the 2001's faster, and I hear they give volume discounts, if you have a Daddy with connections...

And probably quite a bit faster...

I'm very impressed with this guy. He studied the law, busted his butt, and reaped the reward. In my mind, if he does continue to live there, and takes care of the property, then he will pay the full worth. The American dream, right there. Without him, that home would have sat derelict until it was looted for

4. Commanche

Liked the styling? From that angle even. I believe Captain Slow was quoted as saying, "It looks like a dog parking its breakfast." I can think of no better description... If you wanted an SLK that said "Chrysler" on it, you should have bought an SLK and painted the Chrysler insignia on it.