
What's soccer ?? Oh......... you mean football !!!!!!!!

I admit I'm not a fan of the show but maybe I would be if people stopped writing these pretentious articles about it. Every pseudo dissertation written about a show , for all the charm of it's lead, so clumsy in both writing and execution makes me want to tear my head off. But she get's naked a lot so I guess that

I hear you. As much as I will always have a soft spot for the originals, I'm not a kid anymore(sadly). I also seem to be the only one who thought the Star Trek movie was just OK so I don't have that much faith in JJ and lets not talk Super 8. Now if Ronald Moore was doing them...................

Ok. On second glance calling you ignorant and stupid was a bit ignorant and stupid. I do think you were REALLY unfair to the first poster. Anonymity is no excuse. least now I can stop feeling mildly guilty when I watch porn.

If you travel in a straight line you will eventually end up where you started.

I know you're right yet.......

Yeah I know you're right about it being a defense mechanism but I do think it's the equivalent of holding your breath. I get it but............

I know that to some any kind of suspicion of islamic fundamentalism, is automatically lumped in with the sort of nonsense we get from Glenn Beck and other of his ilk. It is a problem that people like myself need to be careful about when commenting but valuing a secular state( key word state) is not the same as being

I think a good number of muslim women began to wear the hajib as a counter reaction to anti muslim sentiments after 9/11 and such. I kind of get that but it just seems childish to me and as it represents, in my view, medieval ideas about women and female sexuality it offends me as a secular humanist. Of course a lot

I would indeed respect their achievements and knowledge in their field, it's the uniform that I would find silly. I don't apologize for finding superstition at best amusing and at worst

I don't hate anyone. My reaction to seeing women wearing a hijab or burqua is the same I used to get when I would see old ladies crawling on their knees at the Virgin de Guadalupe in Mexico City which was 1) Shame you're wasting your life obsessing over a fairy tale and 2) Do what you want but forgive me if I don't.

Even better was the guy who got on the podium just after Spain were given the trophy.