
Amen. Pace yourself, seriously. Don’t give yourself a rage stroke with every single Trump story. Whether it’s an intentional strategy or simply the result of a constant flow sheer dumbfuckery and evil, there’s a real danger that we’re all going to get burnt out before this motherfucker’s been in office for a month.

I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most

I read it more as her trying to acknowledge her privilege and the limits of her own perspective, but I can also see how one can read it more as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Piers Morgan also had thoughts about Rep. Lewis that he just had to express. Thank goodness for white guys who have opinions about Rev. King that they’re willing to bestow upon us. It’s so strange that the MLK of their imagination always seems to be refusing to confront racism.

Personal beliefs aside, that is an impressively thoughtful and work-intensive gift.

Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.

Which dreamland do you live in? If you live long enough to become unable to take care of yourself, everyone ends up in a home. Having had a spouses, several spouses, a single child or a dozen or two of them makes no difference whatsoever.

Aren’t there a ton of elderly people in homes despite having children who could take care of them, though?

Husbands/male partners don’t stick around for the bad parts or do it well all that often. So you’re just as likely to be screwed if the women in your life think your husband is taking care of you as if the people in your life know they need to step up to the plate. In any case, they’re also less likely to be alive-

I can’t imagine a worse reason to maintain a relationship – or bring children into the world – than my perceived financial self-interest.

And Merry Christmas to you, too!

And yet those same fates happen just as often to people who are married and have children. I think it would be a lot worse to be sitting there alone in the nursing home knowing your immediate family doesn’t care about you.

This is really mekki’s M.O. I can never quite tell if he or she is trolling or just kind of dumb, honestly.

The Lord only knows what little bubble you’re living in where the idea that liberals don’t treat soldiers well (but conservatives do!) can be taken as a given, but:

I’ll treat President Trump with the same respect the Republicans treated President Obama and their willingness to unify. How’s that for fair?

No, we’re not.

You may want to reconsider posting a picture of minor children who are not yours on a public forum. This is an adorable picture, but not a cool move on your part.

Some of us are “some people”. Congrats on being privileged and rich enough not to have to give any fucks about society, though. That must be sweet.