
Thank you for your answer! I can afford therapy. I am not seeing anyone at the moment, but my last therapist really tried to work with me on helping me show vulnerability and not react to either with a flight or fight type reaction. Thank you for encouraging me to talk to him and giving me the advice that I need to

I am mostly a lurker but need advice now. I have bad issues with anxiety and commitment and have not dated anyone seriously in years. I have recently reconnected with an old friend who has told me that he wants a serious relationship with me. He also has issues with commitment and anxiety. I want to be with him but am

I think that a lot of dudes with this sort of priviledge haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about what is ok and is not and are now insecure about approaching women the way they used to. Which is in my view the best outcome. I hope there is much improvement in the relations between men and women to stem of this as

Just because they didn’t even risk going to jail before...

That is really unfair. It’s hard to speak up, particularly if you know it won’t change anything, as had been the case for most of history.

Wow. What a great bullet point for your resume... “I specialise in violent sexual deviants and have a great track record in keeping them out of jail.”

I was an investment banker and what you are saying is giving me PTSD. Get the eff out of there, there’s more to life than money.

I have many times. I work in finance. I was groped, cornered at parties, asked to dance on a table etc etc. Revolting.

Hugs! I hope to run across you soon and that we both have sorted our confidence and intimacy issues by then...

Hello my sexless brethren! I’m now at 2 years... I have gotten to the point where I don’t recognise when something is sexual or a friendship anymore and have completely lost di difende and an ability to move things on as far as intimacy is concerned. Any tips?? I often have periods in which I will text and see a guy a

I knew and I a) live in Europe b) work in a completely unrelated field. So yeah, they knew. Same with Dominique Strauss Kahn by the way. Everyone knew.

I also hate the way I look right now but feel better about myself because of my exercise habits and feeling fitter. I signed up to ClassPass and felt terrible for not using the classes (it’s not cheap) but loved the flexibility. I also now only do what I enjoy. I stopped making myself go jogging, which I hate, and

I live with friends of mine (married couple!) now that I have broken up with my live-in boyfriend. I love it. I think I would have gotten seriously depressed if I had been alone. They have young kids and a big house and can use help paying the bills and adult company. It’s a win win! For reference, I’m 35 and I make 6

I don’t agree! I have some Prada clothes and they are very very well made..

I’m not even close to being as rich as Bloomberg but I take the subway a lot and judge my friends that take Uber’s everywhere.. it’s such a waste of money and often much slower...


She’s my age and this year is the first one that my facebook isn’t just people at burning man...

She’s so pretty! And her boyfriend is so handsome! He has a very kind and open face, hands down better than Bieber...

Please DO! The Mooch is a legend.

So awful. They will now make “JC” ones to put on shoes covered in logos.