
I have a boyfriend now but have been single most of my life and always quite liked it, even though I missed the sex and companionship. I have a pretty good life - nice place, money to spend, a good set of friends, and a rewarding career. To be brutally honest, most (#notallmen) detract and do not add to the quality of

The best tip I have received about online dating is that it is a numbers game and that you mustn’t take rejection personally as it isn’t. Think of the guys you thought were great but not for you that you rejected over the years! Being proactive and having a lot of options open makes you less attached to a single one.

Sorry to hear! But I personally would never change career plans for someone I am dating, particularly having dated them for a short time... Don’t take it personally!

I think a lot of the judgement is because so many men (obviously #notallmen) that date younger women would not date women their age. I always had older boyfriends (by 15 or so years) when I was in my 20s and in retrospect I find them predatory losers. I do however find that sadly it is the minority of men that are

Too bad the same extent of planning didn’t go to the aftermath of the Brexit referendum...

This is very inspiring. I will keep it in mind and try to practice it.

I don’t know, I think Michelle (GODDESS as she normally is) looks a bit weird being so summery..

My mum used to say the same to me... sadly I’m still very single!

I am ever so thankful for the fact that I am very pretty (and am a bit ashamed to say even under the shroud of anonimity) - it has allowed me to have a career!

Don’t get me started... I work in finance and am a slightly overweight woman of mixed race...

SO MANY CHRISES!! I swear, in my age group (the older millennial crowd - those born between 1980 and 1985) one in 3 men is called Chris... And this is in my experience true in all English-speaking countries!

That one is indeed CREEPTASTIC

LOVE IT! What made the cut?

Thank you! So kind of you to remember and take the time to get back to me!

Do you make it yourself? Do you have a recipe? I am intrigued!

Not at all! I like to put some smoked paprika in it, or (if you can find it) some ras-el hanout or zaatar on top of it!

I think he’s having a breakdown! I do feel sorry for him, he’s an asshole but also a very interesting person and it is coming down to bite him hard.

HA! I am here to say that I have made my own bread, kimchi and ricotta before BUT I do not see them as things people should do on a daily basis but as fun activities in themselves. I do not see the point of buying hummus regularly though, that to me is like buying those pre-peeled oranges... (DUCKS FOR COVER).

I don’t make it often but will almost always have the ingredients on hand - a can of chickpeas, olive oil, lemons and garlic. I keep a tub of tahini in the fridge (it doesn’t expire). Add a few spices, whizz and voila! Last minute snack for guests or a healthish last minute meal!

It’s fine, just don’t put the blade in as it dulls it and then replacing it ain’t cheap.