HELLSRIDER is watching anime

All complaints seem to be about the marine, and the dark, pretty much what I thought too.

@liammiller18: Meaning it's almost suicidal if you use the third person camera without proper experience...

@liammiller18: Niiiiiice, are those enemies slow moving? except for wesker of course ¬¬?

I like the idea, in multiplayer it makes me look everywhere every moment, though my problem would be with the predator's visors, they seem complicated, hopefully I will get the hang of it soon enough.

Nice, but will that also make zombies slower? otherwise it will be a huge pain in the ass.

Yep, time does move fast for some reason, sad but true.

Ahh japanese culture, they are always thinking big.

@DEpTH: Girl, the picture just doesn't look good from this angle to notice her long hair.

@Hinkuto: Dunno, maybe they died :3

@TheRuiner: Oh I don't play it, but I do know a few who might be interested in this.

@Psudonym: Kinda like posting stuff from 4chan, but waaaaay less weird.

@jimmuhpage: Works for me, just wanted an answer.

@Brian Crecente: Im sorry, I did read parts of it sadly I got distracted and didn't read it completelly.

@Raymayne: Also maybe pros will go to Reach but most fans will stay in Halo 3 and will also get Reach.