HELLSRIDER is watching anime

@bassrocker521: You prefer the realism of locked doors over the idea of being able to enter every single building in a game, even knowing when all that is destructable? O.o

This is amazing!

So it will be like if in game the "corrupt files" of the sequences would suddenly be found fixed?

@robotomasher: I'd say the balls, that's usually how they show "badass" characters these days.

The game seems like it will be worth buying, I might after seeing some more gameplay.

I might buy it mainly for the soundtrack sample.

@Rebochan: Not really, but it's the ads and stuff.

@PatMan33: Not sad, it's kind of bad that a game that is just like it's older versions beats an original one.

I find this kind of bad, I don't see how a remake can be so succesful, sure it's got multiplayer now but still it's the same old thing, it shouldn't sell as good as something like galaxy.

Somehow it is an original idea though it's not that surprising considering the sexy gecko legs in MGS4.

@Kovitlac: Not without batteries :O

@Vonhert: Well my comment is written by ASUMING that's what happened.

It looks electrifying :D

They didn't feel the need to explain themselves, such things are stuff assholes like them say all the time, why the fuck won't you explain yourself you moron?! It wasn't your damn 360, I hope this guy sues them and they lose they're fucking jobs after paying him for the 360.

@Doctor Jest: Yeah they're usually always about everyone running away scarred by the zombies but this one was actually quite more like having this badass character and how they kind of get used to the zombies at some points.

@TwistedBishop: Exactly what I was thinking, seems like it is true that we arre afraid of the unkown.

Well the video doesn't load but I don't think Halo would get a stealth kill and if it did it wouldn't get such a ridiculous name as murder mode, which doesn't relate in the smallest to stealth.