HELLSRIDER is watching anime

I really haven't seen anything about it that impresses me, the only thing I kind of like is the way they show hell and all, but that's it, the combat isn't really fun, the beast riding is ok but kind of seems to slow down the pace of the game, graphics are nice but not that incredible, maybe if they didn't use so much

Doesn't it already say something like that?

I wish I could buy indie games, but they're not available here in Mexico...

That's kind of sad, I might need to buy it one of these days, though only to play MP2 because I already have 3 and beated 1 when I rented the trilogy.

But is it bloody?

I guess for an hour. Never leave it on for that much time.

@'-'): No, see the thing is, usually everyone gets their news from other places and stuff, but this app in facebook even copies the exact same titles from kotaku, not to mention the sunday comics, and they don't even mention kotaku at all.

Weird, this videogames app in facebook usually copies kotaku news (those bastards) but this time they got the news before kotaku, seems they actually do seacrh for news and not just copy them.

@Plainswalker22: Not to mention they an carry a rifle and also have two pistols hiding!

@BloodEden: They know their target audience are kids, that's the reason for the action like that, but I sure hope the DVD actually has a little more strategy and story than just shootouts.

@GeneralBattuta: I did liked it, like Ratfuzz said it kind of looked cool, though I sure would have prefered some better tactics and more team work than just running and shooting at the same time :/

@Pitchswitch: Unless you are playing on easy, I wouldn't mind being able to do the stunts those spartans do either.

@tetracycloide: The convenant doesn't like to get lost (in the anime at least) so they made huge straight hallways. ;)

Ahhh I remember watching it, I have watched all 3 episodes that appeared on waypoint, the only one I didn't like much was 2, the arbiter one, it wasn't that impressive though the style was quite good.

@d20Dark1: Does it require IDs or something? if not I don't see the problem.

@Bizzenya: Not really, burning the coal to get electricity is what polutes, consoles themselves don't do anything.

@BleachedBlind: I'll be sure to keep that in mind so it doesn't happen to me.

@Turkeyslam: Maybe the install helps, still a patch to fix this isues is always welcome.

@BleachedBlind: Ouch, those are pretty bad, hope they fix it soon.

I get the save the planet stuff, but I honestly don't give a shit about that when thinking about gaming consoles, they don't help make the world any cleaner or anything but they don't really pollute it.