HELLSRIDER is watching anime

@Keni: True...let's get that now :D

I was also wondering what the..he wants an apple?

It looks like this time we don't see any super agressive virus like on the other games, I hope we don't.

@Keni: I expect 4 player game! Though Im sure my friends WILL kill many patients..

@Ajh: I did like TP but it wasn't that great in many things, WW at first is kind of oring but then the game starts geting pretty awesome after the third sphere thingy you have to get.

@Railgun5: Well they are at least trying, if they deffinetly can't get the updates on the 360 then they surely will be selling a disc with the whole game sometime.

@Techno-Atom: I knew it bunnies are planning something..

I would have loved this on the free weekend, oh well just hope they get the 360 updates soon, my laptop just ain't for gaming like I guessed.

What's so creepy about that bunny?

@WhiteMåge is in fact a boy, damnit: Well it also depends of how much he really liked her and in what way, I agree that if both wanted to then it shouldn't be that much time in jail but we don't know much about the intentions of that guy, he might have only wanted to do it cause she is young, maybe he doesn't care

@MrBounce: Well that makes 3 of us now, I was wondering wtf he/she said that in court?!

@Vecha: One more Month: Well it does seem like that, but some people are able to mature even more in some years, maybe that's the idea of waiting until you're 18

@Bubbleman!: Wanting doesn't make it right y'know?

@Shinta: Then he should play it, I wouldn't want to wait a year D:

No surprises here ;)