Hells Bells Trudy

Ok, get Ann Dowd for Random Roles NOW!

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It has nothing to do with the article, but I just found out that The Rock spoke at Republican National Convention in 2000. Was he a Republican back then? I assume he isn’t now.

I wish it were only conservatives. Runs the gamut, and it’s all really silly. It’s just a book.

There was a great promo for The President Show, which follows The Daily Show, where the Trump impersonator says, “Once again I’m following a half-black guy who wasn’t even born in this country.”

Boy howdy, that Hillary Clinton is so extremely online.

The system is unfairly rigged against Trump book supporters since Clinton book supporters can actually read.

Yeah, but Stone and Parker can’t make fun of pseudo-intellectual racists wearing polo shirts and khakis because that’s their target audience. Their entire shtick for decades has been lazy, inaccurate demonization of liberals as “nanny-state tyrants” with a few toothless, token jabs thrown at conservatives so they can


“I’m wondering how the narrative could have shifted if not every one of the protesters was depicted as a sloppy redneck. Many of the marchers at Charlottesville appeared soft-spoken at first, with a modern, clean-cut uniform of white polo shirts and khakis.”

Oh fuck off with your “virtue signaling” right-wing shibboleth

No. The review clearly states that as time goes on they accumulate more and more people.

rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.

I do not buy them as a couple at all. Jennifer Lawrence is far too old to be a plausible love interest for Javier Bardem.

This is the “Kinja user meets non-fawining AV review” comment I knew would happen post Kinjapocolypse. Need a tummy rub?

I never realized that B Real was such a huge Gary Oldman fan.

As everyone knows, you aren’t allowed to criticize something unless you can do it better.

do you...understand how criticism works?

Damn shame Ass Dan won’t be at the march

Rabin speaks at National Mall. This is the old AV Club’s “I Have a Dream” moment.

AV Club Alum is a strange euphemism for “guy we fired because we weren’t prepared to pay $350 a month for a decently written, well liked column”