I think it can work... as an horror film, god is the villain
I think it can work... as an horror film, god is the villain
No shame at all whatsoever!!! This article is pseudo intellectual bull crap.
As if we could possibly know one way or the other, but like usual let's ride the latest popular idea and pretend it's rock solid until the next one comes along.
It's not quite the same experience size and intensity wise but assholes have ruined it for me plenty of times. I say cell phone jamming and kicking peoples with no manners out would be a nice start.
Sorry but losing the underpants was the best thing that happen to him in decades. He may not need an armor but I would think having a costume that won't rip in the wind might be a good idea.
Who are you trying to convince?
We ran out of food?!? Because in the the very near future no one as figure a way to make fertile soil and grow food.
Selfishness and cruelty are products of culture and religion, at their core humans are fundamentally good and have an aversion for suffering. Religion exist because of insecurity, for failing to realize that we don't understand everything, people prefer believing whatever most people believes for a false sense of…
Duh...no kidding! Religion is a thing not an entity, you're dancing around the issue, why do you think religion exist if not for xenophobic, close minded, ignorant people?
Religion pretty much screwed up everything else so far...
This suck a million asses!!! At lightspeed... and then it comes back for second...
They pretty much establish that in the pilot, they just don't overdo it. I don't think it's fantasy so much as showing the beliefs of the characters. I just think as this show as What if SAMCROW were riding on drakkars?
Yeah, let's go backward and have more oppression, let's kill more people.
This is a spoof of the film right?
Nope. The history of science if filled with surprises and misconception and until we become a type V civilization (if ever) I'm pretty sure there's more in front of us then behind us.
Funny how science is always almost there, on the verge of finding it all only to have reality pull the rug from under it's feet. I predict there's still a long way to go.
All Stanley Kubrick's films from 2001 to Eyes wide shut.
Found footage!!! No more please. That and poor reveals, it really suck to watch a whole movie or series and have no big payoff at the end. Catching a glimpse of the monster in the final moment of the film after two hours of freakout is a huge disappointment.