
thats not why she left

if anyone here is looking for a place to do that wouldn't the first and obvious choice be AVC AD

Michael go back to your STV cestpool

what a flop lol

what a cestpool

only in your mind hun

da fuck, that was one giant leap you made there

no edmodo, just no

even with such an unoriginal comment you still have to upvote yourself with two accounts

Bury tropes not us

i agree

decent? it started with a 3.1 and is now getting numbers that the CW's flash gets on a regular basis and its on CBS. huge disappointment

too bad it was funny as hell

Yes the money will ultimately go to a good cause but it's their reason for it and trying to paint this as homophobia just because their ship was sunk. And yes they are assholes if they are raising money for suicide prevention then go around tweeting the showrunner telling him to kill himself

looks delicious

agree to disagree

hmm how to get away with being mediocre's ratings suggest otherwise