I like the homescreen background on the picture (the one on the iPad) Where can I get it?
Guys, quick tip for you. When updating, don't plug your iOS device into a USB hub. Use the proper USB ports. I didn't and it came up with a moany message (Error code 2006)
Yessss. We're cooking with gas now (It's available)
If the update is supposedly at 10 AM PST, that't 6PM to my British chums. Just letting you know
I've got that camera, and the Macro is rubbish. That looks awesome. Trouble is, on the 1st picture the glass is covering the (really quiet) microphone
Does this mean I can have the equivalent to a shower or bath, that only takes 30 seconds?
You had stuff stolen Adam? That is really poor. Did you complain and get it back?
Someone will surely better this and make a hydraulic lift as well, so it's even easier to put stuff on/off
The British TV show, called Watchdog were having a right moan at Apple for this bug. I mean, people shouldn't rely completely on their cell phone alarms
Good to see Lastpass on there. Safari users: If you're a budding designer install HelveticaTheWorld. It makes all websites Helvetica. Yay!
I don't get what the weird cable-tie thing is for.
@Dominic5521: Silly! He'd give out free cases. Free cases for all!
@dsands: No, they're passive glasses.
I didn't pay anything for my passive glasses. I stole them from the cinema, some of the Giz commenters must have done the same. Scamps.
Lots of these are American, but I recognized Google, Windows, Apple, Flickr, Gap and Target. Oh, and Mastercard.
In other news, the front page of Apple is really swish now. When you go to www.apple.com the page is black with the new Macbook on the front, then fades to the original website. Niice
I've been using a website called Zamzar for ages. And it's not just for Youtube videos, you can convert loads of different formats (like some lesser known ones)
Those awesome [tl:dr] style sub-headings are back. Yay!
@Benevolence: The latter one. Thinly slice potatoes, spray them with oil and nuke them for 5 minutes. Really nice, but it takes ages to prep and cook, because you can only get about 10 chips on a dish