Hell on Heels

I never found out just how crazy this occasional landlord complaint really was until I bought my own wee house. It’s by far the smallest of any household utility bill, and the biggest components of it - that is, the base fees - do not change with amount used. If you really use a lot of water, all the time, you might

I had my husband bring home used onesies and hats for them to smell while I was in the hospital, to get used to him. Then, when we came home, my husband walked in first with the baby to introduce him, and I came in a couple minutes later. That way, they didn’t associate me being gone with the baby, and resent him for

Congratulations! My girls didn’t mind the baby, because we did all the tricks to make them welcome him, but one of them resented ME for going away for three days. Which, thanks to my hormones, I took WAY too personally. Be prepared! It’s not your fault, and you will make up eventually.

So people are begrudging her access to a grocery store with a good produce selection? Because to do the challenge she needs to be more “typical”? Look, she’s doing a buddy a solid, not an ethnographic study.

Almost two years ago I (and my family) left NH for Utah for Mr. Inq’s further education. College/university is expensive as hell there—I say that as someone who has a bachelor’s from one NH college and did two years of a graduate degree at another—as is the cost of living. So, right now, we’re in Utah. It’s like

If there’s a switch, it never flipped for me, and I’m the same way about me-time. My problem is that I can’t seem to carve out enough me-time,but my need for it hasn’t changed. I’m fairly certain I will weep tears of joy once my kid reaches school age. Not that I don’t love him, but oh my god, I need some time to

I should probably do that too but I'm stubborn. But yes about the flaking and everything. UGH. Its so bad. I should really just toss it. Every time I use it it makes me mad. ETA: Tape is everything. I'm very into precision right now and glitter/shimmer is not allowed where I don't put it. Enter Scotch tape!

God, this rolls up all of my fears of being a parent into one nice package.

Hear, hear! This was great.


They include engagement ring in wedding cost? That just seems like a convenient way to pad your numbers. I understand that it's part and parcel of the same package, but in many ways it's not a cost the couple usually shares and while it may be discussed to insure budgets are maintained, it just doesn't, to me, come

My cat hates music. He hates it when we listen to music, he HATES it when we sing, and he puffs up and runs into a corner when we dance. My partner and I were taking ballroom dance lessons for a while, and when we practiced at home my cat would creep into a corner and attack if we got too close.

The invitations to my November 2001 wedding were mailed on September 10, 2001. The wedding venue? Windows on the World.

Today I signed a new pain contract, which I have to do every six months in order to continue receiving medication for my fucked up uterus. For the first time ever I got a pat down to ensure I had nothing in my pockets, etc, and was told that soon they'll probably have to have someone in the room with me while I pee

People who do not experience chronic pain do not understand how it wears you down.

I know some other commenters have touched on this, but I really have to share this because my entire life has revolves around this to some degree.

I've said this before but this is terrible news for chronic pain patients who need these medications and take them as directed, because we get lumped in with addicts and it's very hard for us to obtain meds.

I do wish that doctors were more careful about following up with patients who are prescribed opioids. They are hugely addictive and it's really easy to get an Rx.

As someone who takes opioids on a daily basis for chronic pain, I will just reiterate my constant amazement that people take these things recreationally. Because, not to get too graphic, but fucking hell, do people enjoy never pooping?! The constipation is almost worse than the pain!