Hell on Heels

Whenever I hear people call Whole Food Whole Paycheck I feel like I must be taking crazy pills because I have consistently found that by and large their store brand products (including their organic lines) are actually cheaper than the closest comparable products at Safeway, as is their organic produce (though not

I love gochujang in stuff, but it's a little...pasty and fermented to be using as a Sriracha substitute, in my humble opinion.

I can take or leave Sriracha, but if this affects availability of their Sambal Oelek too, shit is going down in my house.

Love it. I'm doing the same thing with my bridesmaids - they can wear any cocktail length dress they want as long as it is a shade of turquoise.

I totally get the irritation from a user perspective (I mean, I nearly had a meltdown when I couldn't finish True Detective in real time), but as long as HBO isn't able to turn HBOGo into a revenue stream, why would they put a lot of money into fixing this issue when it works fine 99% of the time? The hardware

Sending internet hugs...I was in a similar boat, and the nights were the absolute worst, not just due to my meds wearing off but also to the additional psychological toll of sleep deprivation. I wish you all the best!

It's extended release, which most pain medications are not. Imagine what it's like to try to squeeze in 90 minutes of sleep at a time before your last dose of Percocet wears off, but you can only take it every four hours, so in a normal eight-hour night you can get a maximum of maybe three hours of rest. That is why

Thanks for sharing your story - I agree with you 100% and I also have say that I am so glad you found a doctor who understands your condition and does not give you flack about your medication needs. When I was dealing with a chronic pain issue I was lucky enough to have a great doctor as well, and it made such a

I was in the same boat as you - I had a herniated disc that caused major neural pain radiating down one leg. Toward the end (I had to have surgery on it since it was just getting worse with more conservative treatment methods), the Vicodin was no help, and my doctor wound up prescribing me Percocet, which was much

As someone who spent the better part of a year suffering from a debilitatingly painful herniated disc, I agree with you 100%. If I had had access to an extended release opioid in the weeks before I finally had to have surgery to correct it, I can't imagine how much better my quality of life would have been, even just

Does consuming oil seriously help KP? I have it too, though what sounds like a more moderate case (it's worst on my upper arms, where I'd never bother to shave or wax anyway), so although I don't really get ingrowns, I'm self-conscious about the red bumps.

For a true red, I like Clinique Vintage Red, for a more muted red lip, NARS Rouge D'Enfer (which now that I look it up appears to be discontinued, waah), and for a fun orangey-red lip, I love MAC So Chaud. I probably have 20 different variations on red lipstick in my makeup bags...it's kind of a problem. Overall I

Our cat brings in live mice, chases them around for a while (much to our chagrin) and then eats them whole, skeletons and all, as we squirm to the sound of her bone-crunching. If she didn't appear to be full Russian Blue I'd be absolutely convinced that she had at least one feral parent.

Our cat is obsessed with blankets of any and all types. She also cannot distinguish tablecloths from blankets and so loves to sit on her table blanket in the sunshine all day long. In order to get her off the table, all I need to do is move her table blanket to another object and she moves with it.

Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss! :-( I have to say, he looks just like a Russian Blue...they have a pretty unique head/ear shape as well and he definitely does seem to have it. What a beautiful cat! And LOL at that picture. Maybe they thought it was cat grass?

Does he have the double coat? That's usually a good way to tell if your gray cat is a Russian Blue or another breed. He looks a lot like our Samantha, who we are pretty sure is full Russian Blue (though we can't be sure, since she also adopted us when she was in the 2-3 year age range). They also tend to get very

Totally different part of the country, but I once saw a guy dragging an enormous cross on his back along the two-lane highway from Monterey, CA inland, with a sign saying that he was on his way to San Francisco to, if memory serves, protest the gays in some fashion (I can only imagine how well that went over). He

Backstreet Boys. It was quite a while after their heyday though...if it had been even two years earlier I might have made a different decision.

I have also had two opportunities to sleep with celebrities and decided against it...the whole concept of sleeping with some guy who sleeps with a different girl every day doesn't appeal to me, no matter how hot and famous he is. And both of them were pretty hot and famous...one was a member of one of the major late